Recent publications from the Facility:
- J. Wasik, J. Sutcliffe, R. Podor, J. Lewis, J. Darnbrough, S. Rennie, S. A. Hussain, C. Bell, D. Chaney, G. Griffiths, L. M. Harding, F. Legg, E. Lawrence Bright, R. Nicholls, Y. Sasikumar, A. Siberry, P. Smith, R. S. Springell, Polyepitaxial grain matching to study the oxidation of uranium dioxide, npj Materials Degradation 8, 68 (2024)
- J. Lewis, R. Springell, C. Bell, R. Nicholls, J. Wasik, L. Harding, M. Gupta, J. Pakarinen, G. Baldinozzi, D. Andersson, X. Guo, and S. D. Conradson, Charge-lattice coupling and the dynamic structure of the U–O distribution in UO2+x, Front. Nucl. Eng. 3, 1346678 (2024)
- W. Thomas, F. Wilhelm, S. Langridge, L. M. Harding, C. Bell, R. Springell, S. Friedemann, R. Caciuffo, G. H. Lander, Absence of Induced Ferromagnetism in Epitaxial Uranium Dioxide Thin Films, Phys. Rev. B 109, 064420 (2024); Preprint at arXiv: 2402.00546
- F. Legg, L.M. Harding, J. C. Lewis, R. Nicholls, H. Green, H. Steele, R. Springell, Epitaxial light actinide oxide thin films, Thin Solid Films 790, 140194 (2024)
- R. Nicholls, D. A. Chaney, C. Bell, R. Springell, G. H. Lander, Structural properties of epitaxial α-U thin films on Ti, Zr, W and Nb. Phys. Rev. Materials 7, 123602 (2023). Preprint at arXiv:2308.03576
- R. Springell, E. Lawrence Bright, D. A. Chaney, L. M. Harding, C. Bell, R. C. C. Ward, G. H. Lander, A review of uranium-based thin films, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00018732.2023.2230292 . Preprint at arXiv:2307.01018
- E. Lawrence Bright L. Xu, L. M. Harding, R. Springell, A. C. Walters, M. Sundermann, M. Garcia-Fernandez, S. Agrestini, R. Caciuffo, G. van der Laan, G. H. Lander, Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering from U3O8 and UN, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 35, 175501 (2023).
- L. M. Harding, E. Lawrence Bright, J. Laverock, D. T. Goddard, R. Springell, Epitaxial stabilisation of uranium silicide line compounds, Thin Solid Films, 768, 139690 (2023)
- E. Lawrence Bright, J. E. Darnbrough, D. T. Goddard, I. Griffiths, M. Cattelan, R. Springell, Oxidation and passivation of the uranium nitride (001) surface, Corrosion Science, 209, 110705 (2022)
- R. Nicholls, C. Bell, R. Springell, G. H. Lander, and J. Bouchet, Structure and phase transitions of metastable hexagonal uranium thin films, Phys. Rev. Materials 6, 103407 (2022)
- A. Siberry, D. Hambley, A. Adamska, R. Springell, A mathematical model to describe the alpha dose rate from a UO2 surface, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 182,109359 (2021)
- E. R. Gilroy, M.-H. Wu, M. Gradhand, R. Springell, and C. Bell, Magnetic anisotropy in Fe/U and Ni/U bilayers, Phys. Rev. B 103, 104426 (2021)
- D. Chaney, A. Castellano, A. Bosak, J. Bouchet, F. Bottin, B. Dorado, L. Paolasini, S. Rennie, C. Bell, R. Springell, and G. H. Lander, Tuneable correlated disorder in alloys, Phys. Rev. Materials 5, 035004 (2021)